Now that marijuana is legalized in Illinois, we jumped on the chance to help out this startup vape pen company. They needed a lot of help with creating a visual aesthetic for their brand, as well as copy to go with everything. They liked our work so much they kept us on to create a website for their business (found here) and packaging for their vape pens to match their style.
Branding & Logo Development
TrueBliss had no visual aesthetic before we came in and worked with them to create a color palette, a visual style, fonts, and taglines to give their brand words and visuals. We created the Truebliss logo, as well as logos for their vape pens, Oasis and Oasis 2 Go.

Being able to match your packaging to your brand is very important while building a business. It was our goal to create packaging that stood out on a shelf, and that would match the experience they were wanting to give their customers.

When creating the website (check it out here if you didn't earlier) we developed a series of icons for them to be used as visuals for experiences with their product.
